Our company opened in 1981 when housing co-operatives were emerging in Canada. Starting with just a handful of housing co-op clients, our company has grown to include a solid team of experienced professionals serving a wide variety of housing co-op communities. Our team supports thousands of units of co-operative housing across Metro Vancouver.
Over the span of 40 years we have developed expert skills and streamlined efficient services key to successful housing co-operative management.
Through our membership in the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada), the Co-operative Housing Federation of British Columbia (CHF BC), and the BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA), we keep current on sector-wide initiatives affecting co-operative housing in Canada. Members of our team have served on the board of directors of these organizations. Our senior team members have given presentations and workshops covering topics ranging from good governance and financial planning to property maintenance and volunteer participation.
We have expert knowledge of the Co-operative Association Act and all of the current and evolving Federal and Provincial agreements through which housing co-operatives receive funding.
We keep our clients up to date on legislative changes that impact them. And, from time to time, we lobby governments on policy and funding issues that affect co-operative housing in Canada. Through our Inter-Co-operative Council, co-op members have a voice on sector-related issues important to them and important for the future of all housing co-operative communities.